Hiring a Disability Lawyer

If you're starting a new Social Security or SSI disability claim, or you've been denied and want an attorney to handle your hearing, you may have some questions about getting Social Security disability representation.

On this page we've compiled a list of the most common questions we get about working with disability lawyers: how disability lawyers work, how and when they can charge you, and what they do to help you win your claim.

Talk to a Disability Lawyer

Need a lawyer? Start here.

How it Works

  1. Briefly tell us about your case
  2. Provide your contact information
  3. Choose attorneys to contact you
Boost Your Chance of Being Approved

Get the Compensation You Deserve

Our experts have helped thousands like you get cash benefits.

How It Works

  1. Briefly tell us about your case
  2. Provide your contact information
  3. Choose attorneys to contact you